Monday, March 26, 2012

A trip to White Bear Lake

This weekend I went on a trip to white bear lake. We did some sightseeing.I had some brunch at Washington Square.Outside of the building I saw this flower.

We also visited the science museum and had some fun. It is very interesting and I recommend that you visit it . Here I was looking at a loon. (It was plastic.) in that exhibit there was also some fake fish.
In the light exhibit there was some bubble sheets.

We walked down the road to a playground and had some fun.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Things start to happen in spring. Here are some of them.
Crocuses start to bloom(these are closed.)
They are lots of colors and some are planted but these are wild.

Baby animals are born.

 Trees are budding , like these pussy willows.

 Try looking for stuff like this around your home.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Steve and Sophie built a quinze,and slept in it.
It looks small but it is very roomy.There are sticks in the sides because they are about a foot in , and when you carve the ceiling out it isn't to thin.
When you start making it, it's just a big mound. Then you carve it out.It is very warm, and it won't collapse.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Lots of patterns show up in your every-day life,and they can be in different colors shapes and size.

This one is very bright and colorful.
It came from a incense box.


                                                                                          This is more mellow.
This is very bright and loud.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Snow Fort

Steve,my sister and I built a snow fort in the yard.
We added icicles on the top.

My sister Sophie is siting in the tunnel.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Horse Ranch

These are the horses that live down the road.

I live near a horse ranch.It has about 5 or 6 horses.The brown one (below) likes attention.  

When I visited the horses there was a herd dog that I don't usually see.
The horses are very tall and white with brown spots and streaks.One of them however was dark brown.(above)

Good bye horses !!!!